
Speedb's library should be able to compile without any dependency installed.

Although we recommend installing some compression libraries:

  • zlib - for data compression

  • bzip2 - for data compression

  • lz4 - for extremely fast data compression

  • snappy - for fast data compression

  • zstandard - for fast real-time compression algorithms

  • All of our tools depend on gflags. This is a library that handles command line flag processing. Note that this is only required for building the tools, and that you can compile the Speedb library even if you don't have gflags installed.

  • make check will also check code formatting, which requires clang-format

  • To build the RocksJava static target, then CMake is required for building Snappy

  • If you want to run microbench (e.g, make microbench, make ribbon_bench or cmake -DWITH_BENCHMARK=1), Google benchmark >= 1.6.0 is needed.


  1. gcc/clang with C++17 support (GCC >= 7, Clang >= 5).

Note: By default, the binary we produce is optimized for the platform you're compiling on (-march=native or the equivalent).

Note: SSE4.2 will be enabled automatically if your CPU supports it.

Note: To print a warning if your CPU doesn't support SSE4.2, build with USE_SSE=1 make static_lib or, if using CMake, cmake -DFORCE_SSE42=ON.

If you want to build a portable binary, add PORTABLE=1 before your make commands, as follows: PORTABLE=1 make static_lib, or cmake -DPORTABLE=1 if using CMake.

Supported Platforms

Linux - Ubuntu

  • Upgrade your gcc to version at least 7 to get C++17 support

  • Install gflags: First, try sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev If this doesn't work and you're using Ubuntu, here's a good tutorial: (

  • Install Snappy: This is usually done easily by running: sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev.

  • Install zlib: Try sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

  • Install bzip2: sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev

  • Install lz4: sudo apt-get install liblz4-dev

  • Install zstandard: sudo apt-get install libzstd-dev

Linux - CentOS / RHEL

  • Upgrade your gcc to version to at least 7 in order to get C++17 support

  • Install gflags:

        git clone
        cd gflags
        git checkout v2.0
        ./configure && make && sudo make install

    Notice: Once installed, add the include path for gflags to your CPATH environment variable and the lib path to LIBRARY_PATH. If installed with default settings, the include path will be /usr/local/include and the lib path will be /usr/local/lib

  • Install Snappy:

        sudo yum install snappy snappy-devel
  • Install zlib:

        sudo yum install zlib zlib-devel
  • Install bzip2:

        sudo yum install bzip2 bzip2-devel
  • Install lz4:

        sudo yum install lz4-devel
  • Install ASAN (optional for debugging):

        sudo yum install libasan
  • Install zstandard:

    • With EPEL:

      sudo yum install libzstd-devel
    • With CentOS 8:

      sudo dnf install libzstd-devel
    • From source:

      mv v1.1.3.tar.gz zstd-1.1.3.tar.gz
      tar zxvf zstd-1.1.3.tar.gz
      cd zstd-1.1.3
      make && sudo make install


  • Install the latest C++ compiler that supports C++ 17:

    • Update XCode: Run xcode-select --install (or install it from XCode App's settting).

    • Install via homebrew:

      • If you're first time developer in MacOS, you still need to run: xcode-select --install in your command line.

      • Run brew tap homebrew/versions; brew install gcc7 --use-llvm to install gcc 7 (or higher).

Windows (Visual Studio 2017 to up)

Last updated